I know what your thinking... OUCH!!!! Sounds harsh but thinking outside the box.
Let me explain.... I'm well round in a bunch of areas, I'm very colorful and at times funny, I can entertain for hours, not only do I not have a problem playing in a lil dirt but also I can clean up nicely, I can roll with the best of them, I can transfer energy and direction well, also I can redirect negative energy in the right angle when agitated, hit or provoked, I'm very polished, I out shine some in different subjects, I mix well with others, I'm great in crowds but also can stand alone, I'm not perfect, and I have my fair share of nicks, scratches and dents but I'm completely solid to the core.
Can you creatively describe your personality? I'd love to hear it. Post it here in the comments or go to http://facebook.com/KenjoMusic
Am I The Only One?
Friday, May 4, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
BangerMGT Radio!!!
OMG... I haven't realized that I've actually neglected my blog for near 6 months! My apologize to my regular viewers. No excuses, but I've been extremely busy with a lot of other things such as my radio show.... BANGERMGT!!!
Video streaming by Ustream
BangerMGT (MGT: Management) is a radio show I host with my co host Xanax whom is also my counterpart to Desert Ego, and its based upon spinning "Nothing but BANGERS!!!" regardless if its indie or industry combined with This dynamic duo perfectly meshes with not only comedy and knowledge but also the freshest mainstream and indie tracks.
Multitalented Kenjo has been doing online radio for a few years. He brings his charisma and charm with a twist of silliness while Xanax is fresh side kid who also provides comedy with in additions trailer park good looks and an awesome @$$ in a leopard thong.
BangerMGT blog
BangerMGT Twitter
Video streaming by Ustream
BangerMGT (MGT: Management) is a radio show I host with my co host Xanax whom is also my counterpart to Desert Ego, and its based upon spinning "Nothing but BANGERS!!!" regardless if its indie or industry combined with This dynamic duo perfectly meshes with not only comedy and knowledge but also the freshest mainstream and indie tracks.
Multitalented Kenjo has been doing online radio for a few years. He brings his charisma and charm with a twist of silliness while Xanax is fresh side kid who also provides comedy with in additions trailer park good looks and an awesome @$$ in a leopard thong.
BangerMGT blog
BangerMGT Twitter
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fixing the US part2: Law

I say if you can't do the time, don't do the crime, and in addition, penalties should be more severe. What's the point of establishing a form of LAW if its useless?
My point is that the system is broken. Just minutes earlier I was driving the speed limit on the freeway, and some moron was behind me hooking his horn, waving his hands in a non polite manner and tailgating me crap out of me. For a short moment I had a flash in my head to slam on the breaks, but it quickly passed and I just continued to abide by the law by going the speed limit. I knew every minute that passed p!ssed him off even more. Its pretty sad that if you're going the speed limit, you're expected to be in the slow lane, and if that doesn't bother you or you don't see any wrong in that you're not alone; thus, there is something extremely wrong with the system. It is so broken, there is a rule that highway patrol officer on duty must be in plan sight. WTF is that!? I say that Police cars should be painted in Camouflage or even better giving a huge "ghillie suit."
You're probably thinking... That's entrapment! DAMN RIGHT IT IS!!!! You shouldn't of been speeding in the first place! I would go as far as placing traffic cameras on every mile of the free way, corners of every block, and any place possibly imaginable.

WHY!!? Because,

how many times have you seen dozens of cars speed excessively over the speed limit slam on their breaks because they see a High Patrol car, and then speed back up once they feel they are in a safe range. You know how dangerous that is!? Well then... Answer me this, "why does it take for us, society, to be watched for us to do right?" And that goes back to that parent in Walmart, if we don't install rules, discipline, compassion, and respect in our children, our future generation will be governed by lawlessness. Why follow the rules if there is no repercussions or the disciplinary actions are simple and painless!?
Then after the kid has a meltdown, the parent feels like an completely @sswhole, and gives the item back an hour later. Keep following along, I'm building up my points because I think this type of thought pattern creates a bigger problem. In addition, there are also parents that fight against the system too. Having the luxury of being a school district employee, I've seen it all. The disciplinary system for schools is just as broken as the federal laws, and a lot of it is due to us... SOCIETY.
Say for instance.... Child A is sent to principal's office after cussing out his 3rd period math teacher, and between you and me, there's not much a principal can truly do to Child A. The norm is in school suspension for the simple fact that the school district doesn't get paid for empty seats; however, in addition to my point, some parents have the adacity to come to the school and cuss out the principal saying, "My child doesn't use that langauge!" instead of trying to help fix the problem, and some will go as far as taking it to the district superintend claiming that their child is being treated unfairly. What does that kid learn? The system can be beaten! To tell you the true fully, I hear 6 graders and up cussing on the daily, so keep that in mind if you have kids.
Now to get to my point in all of this, I believe we should bring the iron fist back into law. You're either guilty or not guilty.... No loops holes... No grey areas, just black and white, even for people of fame, fortune, and especially for politicians, police officers, teachers, government employees and other people of power. Because they are placed in a position of power, they should be held to the highest standard, and once found guilty of a crime they should receive the maximum punishment regardless of their crimes severity. People need to be held accountable.
In addition, our laws are lackadaisical, and its almost a holiday for a person to go to jail/prison especially once they are institutionalized. The harshness of prison isn't the prison itself, its the other prisoners in it, you have to worry about. The rights of a prisoner is bonkers. I've seen TV documentaries where inmates have the audacity to demand cable in their cell. Did they forget they are in prison, and that their action got them their? Everyday we, tax payers, pay to feed over 2.5 million prisoners 3 times a day, we provide them with living quarters, electricity, weights and cable among other things. These prisoners have it better than my working class @ss has it anyday and all they have to worry about is which gang they're going to join. I agree that they need to eat and be treated properly, but I feel they should have to work a job everyday to pay for it.
And that's why I'd create a Maximum security "Super Prison" in the Death valley or some other extreme and remote environment with tiers of comfort ranging from an indoor room with A/C to an outdoor cell similar to Yuma's Territorial Prison, and comfort would be earn with good behaviors.

If I had control of law, severity of a punishments would be extreme. Once, found guilty the punishments should be sever and strict with a 1,2,3 and you're out count. Earlier I used the word "institutionalized," I feel that word or the meaning behind is one of the major reason we are housing so many people in prison because they grow to become so comfortable in prison, its no longer a punishment, and that's why we need to create my "Super Prison."

Keep on the look out for “Fixing the US part 3: Society
Fixing the US part1: Economy

I’m going to start out by saying, I believe Obama was onto something when be bailed out the banks but he executed it wrong. His attempt to stimulate the economy was piss-poor because he forgot one major player…. THE PEOPLE! He bailed out the banks, but left the people still in debt over their heads. He gave us a lousy stimulus check and a small tax break for a few years, but we, as society, still owe those same banks years of our hard earned cash and that’s what’s destroying out economy. I’d like to ask Obama…
My answer… We can’t! If you’re asking, “so how I would fix Obama’s plan and make it effective,” I’d bail out the people… You and Me! I would give the same banks the same money Obama did, but I would tell them I’m bailing out all the people, no longer do they owe any money and also I would completely eliminate credit for consumer use. Sounds great right!? Well I wouldn’t let society off the hook that easy. I would put a stipulation on the people as well… For every house, car, boat and anything else I bailed you out of, you can not sell or make a profit off of for at least 10 years. If you’re asking, “how does that fix anything!?” Great question!
Think about how much money you would have left in your pocket if you no longer had a monthly house and/or a car note.

I bet the burning question right now is, “why does this guy hate credit so much!?”
Its simple…. Credit is a double edge sword that is easily abuse on both ends. Growing up in an era when credit was in it infancy, and becoming a major factor in society, my parents would preach to me that I have to have “Good credit!” What is good credit!? To me all credit is bad. The whole principle is design for the common folk to lose every time and the rich to just keep getting richer which is how is abused on both ends.
For example, Borrower A wants a new car, so he scans all the car lots for a car that matches his needs, but he finds a car that not only supersedes them, but also surpasses his allotted budget. He knows he can’t afford the sticker price, but the car salesman tells him, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a smoking deal!” Here’s where it gets extremely tricky, the dealership runs a quick credit check and they know this guy is up to neck in bills and pretty much can’t afford the car, but they come up with a payment plan that’s with in his budget…. At least from first glance, so of course Borrower A excitedly excepts the deal and signs the dotted line unaware that he just purchased a car he’ll paying for for the next 10 years with an APR of 50% and 1/2 of his car note will be going straight to interest.

By the time he figures it all out, its too late and he’s trapped in a money pit. Also, on the consumers abuse, its easy for a person to continually purchase items they don’t have the funds for, and/ or loose track of how much they purchased if its all with a swipe of a wrist.
Now the answer to that question I asked you earlier about how much your car is currently worth…. It’s worth what ever someone is willing to pay you, and that’s the honest true!
The sad part of it is, if we would just wake up we have the power to control it too, but we don’t, and credit is one of the co conspirators. Within my short life I’ve seen gas prices go from $1.00 to $5.00, cigarettes from $2.00 to $7.00, Mc Donalds’ meal from $3.00 to $8.00, and an economy car from $5,000 to $30,000. If there wasn’t credit, could you afford a $20,000 Honda Civic? Probably not, nor could I. Ok, now think about this, If I sold 50 Honda Civics on credit for $20,000 a pop I’d be a millionaire… Right! Well at least on paper, Ok so what happens if all 50 of those buyers go bankrupt and can’t pay? I don’t have 1,000,000 do I? NOPE!!! This method is so busted and it’s obvious with so many people filing for bankruptcy and foreclosing on homes they should of never receive a loan on in the first place.
You’re not a millionaire if you can’t cash out your assets!

In conclusion, If I was the President, or anyone in politics that could effect our economy, I would bail out the people and kill consumer use of credit. Remember, you heard this plan here first…. LOL Also I leave a comment; I’d love to hear you take on this topic.
Keep on the look out for “Fixing the US part 2: Law"
Monday, August 22, 2011
Can We Just Enjoy The Game?
Excited and getting pumped for the 2011 season, so I set back and enjoy a few preseason games, but this morning I wake up to the news broadcasting the ugly reality of drunken fans. On August 20th there was a horrible preseason game between the Oakland Raiders and the San Francisco 49ers where not only a brawl between fans erupted among the stands.
But Also a sever bathroom beating and 2 separate shootings happened in the stadium parking lot.
Man can we just enjoy the game. Its now being questioned if alcohol should be continued to be sold at games. Its sad that fights break out. If you pay attention to the above fight there are several fans egging on the fight while a couple are standing there with children in their hands. All I know is when I go to my next live game I'm going to wear my bullet proof vest, my old Pop Warner helmet and my unused boxing gloves while mobbing with a click of dudes 20 deep. Just encase so I can walk away at the end of the game.
But Also a sever bathroom beating and 2 separate shootings happened in the stadium parking lot.
Man can we just enjoy the game. Its now being questioned if alcohol should be continued to be sold at games. Its sad that fights break out. If you pay attention to the above fight there are several fans egging on the fight while a couple are standing there with children in their hands. All I know is when I go to my next live game I'm going to wear my bullet proof vest, my old Pop Warner helmet and my unused boxing gloves while mobbing with a click of dudes 20 deep. Just encase so I can walk away at the end of the game.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Facbook: The CIA Project
Before you think I'm hella crazy, just open up your mind!!!
"OMG, I can't wait for this weekend I'm going to Hawaii for a week!" or "Man, work was harsh I need a fat blunt" and my favorite "Yo, I "BARS (drugs)" for sell. Holla at me if you need ride"... Does any of that if not all it sound familiar on Facebook? It does huh!? Mine as well be saying "come rob me; I'll got for a while," and "I participate in illegal activities. Now that I put it that way it sounds like horrible information for a criminal or an employer... HUH!!!
I know you saying it wont happen to you well here are couple that was robbed after status update of going on vacation, a live line by line commentary of a criminal's standoff with the cops, and also 4 arrested in bank robber based off Facebook
Well over the last couple of years on the internet its been circulating around the internet that the CIA owns or is at least involved in Facebook,
and I know you're thinking "So! Why does that matter? Whats your point... Kenjo?" Well I'm glad you ask... HAHAHA
Being smart and educated on all the stuff I talked about earlier in this post, I went out of town this weekend and waited until I came back home before posting my pictures or even mentioning that I was out of town for the weekend. SEE! I'm a smart cookie, and when I came back home all my personal items were exactly where I left them. CHECK!!! I win. Then reality struck after my photos completed their upload to facebook.... All though I had to hit the "submit" button, Facebook automatically went through all my photos and automatically tagged everyone. And once again your thinking "What's the big deal?"
I'm glad you asked again because I'm going to tell you! Facebook is collect data on all of us and we keep feeding it to them. Don't believe me watch this! Do you realize how much information we as "Facebookers" put on there!? Go to you facebook and randomly click on a friends page, then go to there info tab underneath their pictures. 7 out of 10 people will have there date of birth, spouse's info, high school and year graduated, work info, hobbies, religion and political preference, bio, where they currently and previously lived, but most importantly, their current email and telephone address visible which is the default settings. You have to go turn all that off. Yes... It can be turned off but if the CIA is collecting a database of your profile, I'm sure they can by pass your settings and get all of your info. To make matters worse, I recently purchased a smart phone that I connected to my facebook, and it automatically downloaded the contact info of all 999 of my friends. So I have that girl that requested, and never said anything to me since 2009's cell phone number and email address in my phone. I could call her any day. I should and freak her the f*** out. lol
If that still doesn't scare you, put it this way, Facebook can obviously recognize you via a photo and if the CIA owns Facebook so can they too, and if its not happening yet, eventually the CIA will be able to track you from security camera to security camera as you walk passed a bank or gas station. In the long run there will be "NO FREEDOM" the government will be able to track you anywhere. Again your thinking "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... Whatever, You watch too much TV" OK, just incase you didn't watch the Casey Anthony trial, the authorities where able to map out all her actions based on her cell phone pings. Its happening now with cell phones. You have nothing to worry about, you haven't commit any crime nor do you plan to, but what if you received a speeding or "j walking" ticket in the mall based off cell phone pings and satellite images?
I'm not going be this topic to death, but I will conclude it with reminding you that Facebook at the least if not the entire US government is collecting data on all of us. At some point I'm sure its going to be used for something. Shoot... may it might just before soliciting. You post on your page you go to Los Vegas all the time, Facebook might sell your info to a travel company that then starts soliciting you with travel plans and so on, or imagine,
flying into an airport in a city you've never been before and as soon as you touched the ground someone that worked at the airport said, "Excuse me Kenjo you can't go that way. Only people that make over $60,000 are aloud throw there, and you're not of that social stature. You need to go through this door and take the long way" with you out saying one word to him or her? Speaking of airports have you seen Denver Colorado's airport? If you haven't, CLICK HERE! Freaky... Well, have fun Facebooking and be aware of everything you post.
More info on Denver Airport
I know you saying it wont happen to you well here are couple that was robbed after status update of going on vacation, a live line by line commentary of a criminal's standoff with the cops, and also 4 arrested in bank robber based off Facebook
Well over the last couple of years on the internet its been circulating around the internet that the CIA owns or is at least involved in Facebook,

Being smart and educated on all the stuff I talked about earlier in this post, I went out of town this weekend and waited until I came back home before posting my pictures or even mentioning that I was out of town for the weekend. SEE! I'm a smart cookie, and when I came back home all my personal items were exactly where I left them. CHECK!!! I win. Then reality struck after my photos completed their upload to facebook.... All though I had to hit the "submit" button, Facebook automatically went through all my photos and automatically tagged everyone. And once again your thinking "What's the big deal?"
I'm glad you asked again because I'm going to tell you! Facebook is collect data on all of us and we keep feeding it to them. Don't believe me watch this! Do you realize how much information we as "Facebookers" put on there!? Go to you facebook and randomly click on a friends page, then go to there info tab underneath their pictures. 7 out of 10 people will have there date of birth, spouse's info, high school and year graduated, work info, hobbies, religion and political preference, bio, where they currently and previously lived, but most importantly, their current email and telephone address visible which is the default settings. You have to go turn all that off. Yes... It can be turned off but if the CIA is collecting a database of your profile, I'm sure they can by pass your settings and get all of your info. To make matters worse, I recently purchased a smart phone that I connected to my facebook, and it automatically downloaded the contact info of all 999 of my friends. So I have that girl that requested, and never said anything to me since 2009's cell phone number and email address in my phone. I could call her any day. I should and freak her the f*** out. lol
If that still doesn't scare you, put it this way, Facebook can obviously recognize you via a photo and if the CIA owns Facebook so can they too, and if its not happening yet, eventually the CIA will be able to track you from security camera to security camera as you walk passed a bank or gas station. In the long run there will be "NO FREEDOM" the government will be able to track you anywhere. Again your thinking "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... Whatever, You watch too much TV" OK, just incase you didn't watch the Casey Anthony trial, the authorities where able to map out all her actions based on her cell phone pings. Its happening now with cell phones. You have nothing to worry about, you haven't commit any crime nor do you plan to, but what if you received a speeding or "j walking" ticket in the mall based off cell phone pings and satellite images?
I'm not going be this topic to death, but I will conclude it with reminding you that Facebook at the least if not the entire US government is collecting data on all of us. At some point I'm sure its going to be used for something. Shoot... may it might just before soliciting. You post on your page you go to Los Vegas all the time, Facebook might sell your info to a travel company that then starts soliciting you with travel plans and so on, or imagine,

More info on Denver Airport
Denver Airport,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Where Has All the Time Gone?

Back in May on a hot boring spring night I was laying on the couch watching, "Sleepless In Seattle" while I snuggled up to 10 piece family meal from KFC, and after I ate all the mac n cheese and potatoes in gravy mixed with the buttered biscuits, I found myself passed out in a 3 month diabetic comma... And I don't even have diabetes.
All jokes aside, I know I've been a lil M.I.A. these past few months and I just wanted to take the time to apologies. While I've been go I've been working on a new album, Stand Alone, I've been planning Desert Ego's first official album, and I've also been working on other small projects like my blog...
KenjoBlog.Blogspot.com. If you get a chance, drop thru my blog, read a few articles and if you like them please subscribe.
I'll keep it short and simple, remember.... "I Stand Alone, But We Unite As One"
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