I’m going to start out by saying, I believe Obama was onto something when be bailed out the banks but he executed it wrong. His attempt to stimulate the economy was piss-poor because he forgot one major player…. THE PEOPLE! He bailed out the banks, but left the people still in debt over their heads. He gave us a lousy stimulus check and a small tax break for a few years, but we, as society, still owe those same banks years of our hard earned cash and that’s what’s destroying out economy. I’d like to ask Obama…
My answer… We can’t! If you’re asking, “so how I would fix Obama’s plan and make it effective,” I’d bail out the people… You and Me! I would give the same banks the same money Obama did, but I would tell them I’m bailing out all the people, no longer do they owe any money and also I would completely eliminate credit for consumer use. Sounds great right!? Well I wouldn’t let society off the hook that easy. I would put a stipulation on the people as well… For every house, car, boat and anything else I bailed you out of, you can not sell or make a profit off of for at least 10 years. If you’re asking, “how does that fix anything!?” Great question!
Think about how much money you would have left in your pocket if you no longer had a monthly house and/or a car note.

I bet the burning question right now is, “why does this guy hate credit so much!?”
Its simple…. Credit is a double edge sword that is easily abuse on both ends. Growing up in an era when credit was in it infancy, and becoming a major factor in society, my parents would preach to me that I have to have “Good credit!” What is good credit!? To me all credit is bad. The whole principle is design for the common folk to lose every time and the rich to just keep getting richer which is how is abused on both ends.
For example, Borrower A wants a new car, so he scans all the car lots for a car that matches his needs, but he finds a car that not only supersedes them, but also surpasses his allotted budget. He knows he can’t afford the sticker price, but the car salesman tells him, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a smoking deal!” Here’s where it gets extremely tricky, the dealership runs a quick credit check and they know this guy is up to neck in bills and pretty much can’t afford the car, but they come up with a payment plan that’s with in his budget…. At least from first glance, so of course Borrower A excitedly excepts the deal and signs the dotted line unaware that he just purchased a car he’ll paying for for the next 10 years with an APR of 50% and 1/2 of his car note will be going straight to interest.

By the time he figures it all out, its too late and he’s trapped in a money pit. Also, on the consumers abuse, its easy for a person to continually purchase items they don’t have the funds for, and/ or loose track of how much they purchased if its all with a swipe of a wrist.
Now the answer to that question I asked you earlier about how much your car is currently worth…. It’s worth what ever someone is willing to pay you, and that’s the honest true!
The sad part of it is, if we would just wake up we have the power to control it too, but we don’t, and credit is one of the co conspirators. Within my short life I’ve seen gas prices go from $1.00 to $5.00, cigarettes from $2.00 to $7.00, Mc Donalds’ meal from $3.00 to $8.00, and an economy car from $5,000 to $30,000. If there wasn’t credit, could you afford a $20,000 Honda Civic? Probably not, nor could I. Ok, now think about this, If I sold 50 Honda Civics on credit for $20,000 a pop I’d be a millionaire… Right! Well at least on paper, Ok so what happens if all 50 of those buyers go bankrupt and can’t pay? I don’t have 1,000,000 do I? NOPE!!! This method is so busted and it’s obvious with so many people filing for bankruptcy and foreclosing on homes they should of never receive a loan on in the first place.
You’re not a millionaire if you can’t cash out your assets!

In conclusion, If I was the President, or anyone in politics that could effect our economy, I would bail out the people and kill consumer use of credit. Remember, you heard this plan here first…. LOL Also I leave a comment; I’d love to hear you take on this topic.
Keep on the look out for “Fixing the US part 2: Law"
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