Its midnight and you find your self stuck at a red light in the middle of a hibernating city with a bad case of bubbles guys while a 24 hour gas station's open sign tease you as repetitively flickers like bug zapper during mosquito season. As you impatiently wait for the light to change you notice there's no cars on the road other than your own, so you gun it and run the red light.... F*** IT, YOU PAY YOUR TAXES!!!! Thats when you notice the red and blue lights flashing behind you.... DAMN!!! I guarantee 9 out 10 people caught in this scenario has tried to talk his or her self out of the ticket which brings me to my topic for the night.... LAW
I say if you can't do the time, don't do the crime, and in addition, penalties should be more severe. What's the point of establishing a form of LAW if its useless? For instance... you see that spineless parent in the middle of the snack section and there 3 year son is on the floor throwing a major tantrum kicking and screaming like he was just circumcised because he wants a box of Lil Debbies' Cosmic Brownies, and the parent warns him with empties threatens shortly before caving in and giving the 3 year old the desired box of Cosmic Brownies. A box of Cosmic Brownies every now and then will not hurt any body, but what exactly is the parent teaching the child!? Throwing a fit will get you what you want, there is no repercussion in his actions or both!
My point is that the system is broken. Just minutes earlier I was driving the speed limit on the freeway, and some moron was behind me hooking his horn, waving his hands in a non polite manner and tailgating me crap out of me. For a short moment I had a flash in my head to slam on the breaks, but it quickly passed and I just continued to abide by the law by going the speed limit. I knew every minute that passed p!ssed him off even more. Its pretty sad that if you're going the speed limit, you're expected to be in the slow lane, and if that doesn't bother you or you don't see any wrong in that you're not alone; thus, there is something extremely wrong with the system. It is so broken, there is a rule that highway patrol officer on duty must be in plan sight. WTF is that!? I say that Police cars should be painted in Camouflage or even better giving a huge "ghillie suit."
You're probably thinking... That's entrapment! DAMN RIGHT IT IS!!!! You shouldn't of been speeding in the first place! I would go as far as placing traffic cameras on every mile of the free way, corners of every block, and any place possibly imaginable.
WHY!!? Because,
how many times have you seen dozens of cars speed excessively over the speed limit slam on their breaks because they see a High Patrol car, and then speed back up once they feel they are in a safe range. You know how dangerous that is!? Well then... Answer me this, "why does it take for us, society, to be watched for us to do right?" And that goes back to that parent in Walmart, if we don't install rules, discipline, compassion, and respect in our children, our future generation will be governed by lawlessness. Why follow the rules if there is no repercussions or the disciplinary actions are simple and painless!?
Then after the kid has a meltdown, the parent feels like an completely @sswhole, and gives the item back an hour later. Keep following along, I'm building up my points because I think this type of thought pattern creates a bigger problem. In addition, there are also parents that fight against the system too. Having the luxury of being a school district employee, I've seen it all. The disciplinary system for schools is just as broken as the federal laws, and a lot of it is due to us... SOCIETY.
Say for instance.... Child A is sent to principal's office after cussing out his 3rd period math teacher, and between you and me, there's not much a principal can truly do to Child A. The norm is in school suspension for the simple fact that the school district doesn't get paid for empty seats; however, in addition to my point, some parents have the adacity to come to the school and cuss out the principal saying, "My child doesn't use that langauge!" instead of trying to help fix the problem, and some will go as far as taking it to the district superintend claiming that their child is being treated unfairly. What does that kid learn? The system can be beaten! To tell you the true fully, I hear 6 graders and up cussing on the daily, so keep that in mind if you have kids.
Now to get to my point in all of this, I believe we should bring the iron fist back into law. You're either guilty or not guilty.... No loops holes... No grey areas, just black and white, even for people of fame, fortune, and especially for politicians, police officers, teachers, government employees and other people of power. Because they are placed in a position of power, they should be held to the highest standard, and once found guilty of a crime they should receive the maximum punishment regardless of their crimes severity. People need to be held accountable.
In addition, our laws are lackadaisical, and its almost a holiday for a person to go to jail/prison especially once they are institutionalized. The harshness of prison isn't the prison itself, its the other prisoners in it, you have to worry about. The rights of a prisoner is bonkers. I've seen TV documentaries where inmates have the audacity to demand cable in their cell. Did they forget they are in prison, and that their action got them their? Everyday we, tax payers, pay to feed over 2.5 million prisoners 3 times a day, we provide them with living quarters, electricity, weights and cable among other things. These prisoners have it better than my working class @ss has it anyday and all they have to worry about is which gang they're going to join. I agree that they need to eat and be treated properly, but I feel they should have to work a job everyday to pay for it.
And that's why I'd create a Maximum security "Super Prison" in the Death valley or some other extreme and remote environment with tiers of comfort ranging from an indoor room with A/C to an outdoor cell similar to Yuma's Territorial Prison, and comfort would be earn with good behaviors. If a inmate wants to act like an animal they could live like one. Within this super prison, I would create work areas also with a tier system too. The work environments would range from working in a factory manufacturing goods to Working out side breaking rocks. Inmates with good behavior would be allowed to work in the factories performing a more skilled full job thus they would earn more money too. It also provides them with a reason to behave. Teach them a skill, rehabilitate them so when they get out they can fit back into society. Not every person convicted of a crime has a criminal mindset, and if we help them, they possibly will not be a repeat offender. We have to teach them a different way. Repeaters who prove they aren't fit for society would create their own demise.
If I had control of law, severity of a punishments would be extreme. Once, found guilty the punishments should be sever and strict with a 1,2,3 and you're out count. Earlier I used the word "institutionalized," I feel that word or the meaning behind is one of the major reason we are housing so many people in prison because they grow to become so comfortable in prison, its no longer a punishment, and that's why we need to create my "Super Prison." We need to take the comfort out of prison. On the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona there is a controversial prison ran by Sheriff Joe Arpaio know as "Tent City" where inmates not only wear pink clothing but they also sleep out side in tents. It think its amazing, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio is setting an example the rest of the US should follow. It might seem a little extreme; however, this prison has been around for a long time and inmates survive every year such as Mike Tyson.
In conclusion, if I was President I would toughen our laws and make prison an unpleasant place to visit, and without getting into too many details and/or beating a dead horse, I'll just say we don't need people who prove to be unfit for society such as rapist, cold blood killers, repeat offenders and so on.... Let's get rid of them!
Keep on the look out for “Fixing the US part 3: Society
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