I know you saying it wont happen to you well here are couple that was robbed after status update of going on vacation, a live line by line commentary of a criminal's standoff with the cops, and also 4 arrested in bank robber based off Facebook
Well over the last couple of years on the internet its been circulating around the internet that the CIA owns or is at least involved in Facebook,

Being smart and educated on all the stuff I talked about earlier in this post, I went out of town this weekend and waited until I came back home before posting my pictures or even mentioning that I was out of town for the weekend. SEE! I'm a smart cookie, and when I came back home all my personal items were exactly where I left them. CHECK!!! I win. Then reality struck after my photos completed their upload to facebook.... All though I had to hit the "submit" button, Facebook automatically went through all my photos and automatically tagged everyone. And once again your thinking "What's the big deal?"
I'm glad you asked again because I'm going to tell you! Facebook is collect data on all of us and we keep feeding it to them. Don't believe me watch this! Do you realize how much information we as "Facebookers" put on there!? Go to you facebook and randomly click on a friends page, then go to there info tab underneath their pictures. 7 out of 10 people will have there date of birth, spouse's info, high school and year graduated, work info, hobbies, religion and political preference, bio, where they currently and previously lived, but most importantly, their current email and telephone address visible which is the default settings. You have to go turn all that off. Yes... It can be turned off but if the CIA is collecting a database of your profile, I'm sure they can by pass your settings and get all of your info. To make matters worse, I recently purchased a smart phone that I connected to my facebook, and it automatically downloaded the contact info of all 999 of my friends. So I have that girl that requested, and never said anything to me since 2009's cell phone number and email address in my phone. I could call her any day. I should and freak her the f*** out. lol
If that still doesn't scare you, put it this way, Facebook can obviously recognize you via a photo and if the CIA owns Facebook so can they too, and if its not happening yet, eventually the CIA will be able to track you from security camera to security camera as you walk passed a bank or gas station. In the long run there will be "NO FREEDOM" the government will be able to track you anywhere. Again your thinking "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... Whatever, You watch too much TV" OK, just incase you didn't watch the Casey Anthony trial, the authorities where able to map out all her actions based on her cell phone pings. Its happening now with cell phones. You have nothing to worry about, you haven't commit any crime nor do you plan to, but what if you received a speeding or "j walking" ticket in the mall based off cell phone pings and satellite images?
I'm not going be this topic to death, but I will conclude it with reminding you that Facebook at the least if not the entire US government is collecting data on all of us. At some point I'm sure its going to be used for something. Shoot... may it might just before soliciting. You post on your page you go to Los Vegas all the time, Facebook might sell your info to a travel company that then starts soliciting you with travel plans and so on, or imagine,

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