And not in a good way either. My singing can make birds drop dead out of the sky, whales ram into glaciers in desperation of making the pain go way, and In a time when "
T-Pain'in" on a track with excessive Autotuning is not only completely abused but also ridiculed worse than a creepy @ss Michael Jackson trying to convince a minor in to sleeping in same bed as him, my non singing @ss is working on a track with a hook that needs to be sung, so YO... I need a dope MALE RNB SINGER. Know any down for collaborating. I'm not just talking about your brother's best friends nephew name Pookie who just got of prison on a 10 year bid for stealing his grandmothers laundry money so he could buy a can of paint to huff.

What I mean is I need a good singer... A singer that's as good as Michael Jackson himself when he wasn't wearing a diaper and spreading peanut butter on Bubble's back in Neverland... I'm not talking about just any MJ, but MJ with the wide nose, nappy hair and dark skin... You when He still had soul.
"I want to rock with you.... All night, Dance you into the sunlight"
"Cause this is thriller, thriller night. And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike"
The track I'm working on is called, "Moments Like This." I don't want to reveal too much about the track but it's based on the moment you realize you're falling in love. I personally think this song has a lot of potential especially if the hook is done right. Right now I have a rough version of the song with me singing. I'd share it but I don't want to be sued for people's sudden hearing loss.
Once again.... Do you know of any talented male RNB singers thats whiling to colab on a great track?
Email me @ Kenjosmovement@hotmail.com
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