Good morning. its a beautiful day the sun is shining theres a breeze and the best part is we still living. YES... I said we are still living! I wake up to my mundane life after hitting the snooze but a million time before I stagger out of bed. I contemplate calling in sick so I can snuggle back up in my bed before I take that conscience leap towards my day. I sip on my usual coffee with the same amount of sugar and cream just to get myself going. I slip into boring clothes with no imagination just because it fits. No expression, no Imagination, and no excitement for life. Unfortunately you probably feel the same way and if you do we are guilty of wasting something so precious... LIFE!!!
We never think about it and WE OVER LOOK IT EVERYDAY that we are so blessed not only to have a life to live but also to have our health. Every second of the day there are tons of people losing their lives for many different reasons. Some sick... Some accidents... Some planned... Some overdosed and the list goes on and on. I know what your thinking, but thats not me. I'm healthy, cautious, not suicidal, and I don't do drugs. Neither do I; however, the reality of it all is that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. In a blink of an eye it can all be gone tomorrow.
Remember Anthony Acosta story
SO... I'm going to stop over looking the blessing I have in life and start enjoying the small things like each breath I take. The biggest blessing I'm going grab on to and hug promising to never let go is my family. Life isn't boring and half empty. Its exciting and half full. Think about it this way... You only have on life to live. Take advantage of it. Pursue the things you love. Jump out of planes... Make music.... Start a company or whatever your heart desires just no regrets and never look back.
Be a kid at heart again. Run... Splash... Frolic in life like its a river. Kids make the best of everything no matter what they are doing. They can spend ours playing with legos, dolls and even a plain deck of cards with out getting bored. If they don't have those to play with, they'll still come up with a game to play like hide and seek.
Question... When did we as an adults lose our imagination?
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