Is a must see movie.... PERIOD!!!

It's not just for jobless 37 year olds who live in their mom's basement for free, and spends most of their time at the local comic book store playing "Dungeons and Dragons" and arguing with 12 year olds over who would win in a fight between The Incredible Hulk and the Amazing Spiderman. It's amazing to see the efforts and quality that is being put into comic book movies these days. They are becoming more than the typical deranged manic trying to take over the world with a twisted plot of infiltrating and raping every bank in the city with a platoon of goons dressed in pink spandex welding advance technology while a cape crusader saves the day. Marvel comics lead the way with their new stream of movies, perfectly blending with imagination, relevance and an organic feel.
And all the superhero movies leading up to the formation of The Avengers such as Ironman, Hulk and Thor have been impressive, but I was floored by this new Captain America movie. Everything about it was perfect. They modernized Cap just enough that they didn't tarnish his golden age look at the same time preserving the essence of the original series.

Before I get into Captain America's movie I have to say, I'm so happy that comic book movies are no longer out of shape actors in their pajamas jumping around to a soundtrack of horrible suspense noises and porn music, but to tell you the truth it kind of P!sses me off that some many people are jumping on the comicbook bandwagon

because as a kid I had to hide my lust for comic books from the kids at school like my older brother hid his playboys from our mom. Get caught with a comic book in your backpack and any popularity you had up to that point would be lost and you'd be labeled a geek, and your sit at the cool table would no longer be available... Completely outcasted!!! So sorry if you are one jumping on, but now I feel better.

Back to Captain America, with out spoiling too much. I'm happy to be able to inform you that this movie follows the storyline of the original comic almost to the "T." Even in the present, Captain was found in ice after 70 years of being M.I.A; however, as you've probably scene on the previews there has been a major change to Cap's uniform, but it is a refreshing update and moderation of the suit without making it cheesy. Speaking of not being cheesy... The Red Skull looks phenomenal. I expected an actor running around with a horrible red mask that look like a kids failed science project, but I got an authentic looking and believable Red Skull. Lastly with out ruining the rest of the movie, all I can say is... Go see Captain America!
I give it 5 Stars Up