Am I The Only One?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I Hated it

God! i was reminded today how much I hate it when your bladder is about to bust from drinking a 44 ounce Big Gulp from Circle K and you have to wait outside a bathroom cuz someone is already inside, then when they walk out the bathroom, smells of fresh shit and the sink is bone dry. Then it hits you that, that mother f#cker just man handled the damn door knob without washing his dirty lil hands.
Once, you get passed the fact you have another grown mans fresh feces on your hands, you go about your business.... Then you find this shit!!!

Toilet paper in the trash with fresh shit streaks from someone whipping their dirty trifling ass.
Medieval chimp and his brutal biology experiments. My question is how in the hell do chimps come up with this?!
If you don't believe the hype... Here's a close up
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Society Dying Slowly
The Border Patrol agency was just recently sued for doing there job. This dude refused to answer their question, and at the same time refused to go to secondary inspection, so the agents on duty broke the driver seat window, snatched the driver out of the window, slammed him to the ground and tased him. He was charged, but was acquitted for disobeying a lawful order and blocking traffic. I think the system failed on that one; however, moving along the driver then turned around and sued the agency and won! WTF!!!
So what does that teach our youth? They can misbehave, disobey the law and then sue when they are penalized for it. Ok! don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its forgivable for law enforcement to use "Unlawful" force. "Rodney King'ing"someone is not justifiable by any means, but apprehending someone for obstructing justice is. I'm sure It was established that the driver was a United States Citizen, but once he claimed up and became difficult, it would of definitely raised eye brows. What was he hiding?! They don't know if he is driving a car bomb, or smuggling 3 tons of narcotics or a trunk full of illegals. I agree that he didn't have to answer all of there question, but once they sent him to secondary thats where I feel he was wrong, and in my opinion, he should of been apprehended. Now the methods of how sounds to be questionable, but if he was a terrorist who later that day drove the same car into a Federal building society would of had a shit-fit saying Home Land Security isn't doing there job.
Which brings me to the whole "Airport X Ray Scanners" point. It just seems like people always find something to bitch about. Do I think that X Raying passengers is the best thing since sliced bread... NO, but when I travel, I want to get quickly on my departing plane in a timely manner and safely reach my destination. If it requires giving the Airport Security a cheap thrill, I'm all in.... Scan the shit out of me, just get me there in one peace. Now if those x rays are leaked to the public, that's a whole other issue. The system hasn't even got off the ground yet and people are already complain, but if 9/11/2011 ever happens, it'll be an uproar of mass hysteria.
In closing all I have to say is, as a country we have to make a few sacrifices to obtain safe society. Unfortunately 10% of the country ruin it for the rest of us. We have to adjust to the times. Right now, the world isn't safe. When I was a child, I was not only a latch-key kid, but I also walked a couple miles home from school, and also when I went side to play I roamed several miles away from my house; however, now and days parents are afraid to let their kids playing out in the front yard without keeping constant eye contact. Stop complaining, be thankful, be apart of the solution and help make not only our country, but also the rest of the world a better place .
The Border Patrol agency was just recently sued for doing there job. This dude refused to answer their question, and at the same time refused to go to secondary inspection, so the agents on duty broke the driver seat window, snatched the driver out of the window, slammed him to the ground and tased him. He was charged, but was acquitted for disobeying a lawful order and blocking traffic. I think the system failed on that one; however, moving along the driver then turned around and sued the agency and won! WTF!!!
So what does that teach our youth? They can misbehave, disobey the law and then sue when they are penalized for it. Ok! don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its forgivable for law enforcement to use "Unlawful" force. "Rodney King'ing"someone is not justifiable by any means, but apprehending someone for obstructing justice is. I'm sure It was established that the driver was a United States Citizen, but once he claimed up and became difficult, it would of definitely raised eye brows. What was he hiding?! They don't know if he is driving a car bomb, or smuggling 3 tons of narcotics or a trunk full of illegals. I agree that he didn't have to answer all of there question, but once they sent him to secondary thats where I feel he was wrong, and in my opinion, he should of been apprehended. Now the methods of how sounds to be questionable, but if he was a terrorist who later that day drove the same car into a Federal building society would of had a shit-fit saying Home Land Security isn't doing there job.
Which brings me to the whole "Airport X Ray Scanners" point. It just seems like people always find something to bitch about. Do I think that X Raying passengers is the best thing since sliced bread... NO, but when I travel, I want to get quickly on my departing plane in a timely manner and safely reach my destination. If it requires giving the Airport Security a cheap thrill, I'm all in.... Scan the shit out of me, just get me there in one peace. Now if those x rays are leaked to the public, that's a whole other issue. The system hasn't even got off the ground yet and people are already complain, but if 9/11/2011 ever happens, it'll be an uproar of mass hysteria.
In closing all I have to say is, as a country we have to make a few sacrifices to obtain safe society. Unfortunately 10% of the country ruin it for the rest of us. We have to adjust to the times. Right now, the world isn't safe. When I was a child, I was not only a latch-key kid, but I also walked a couple miles home from school, and also when I went side to play I roamed several miles away from my house; however, now and days parents are afraid to let their kids playing out in the front yard without keeping constant eye contact. Stop complaining, be thankful, be apart of the solution and help make not only our country, but also the rest of the world a better place .
border patrol,
X ray
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
USMC Posterboy

OORAH! I've served my country. I've give my blood and my sweat for our country to be free, and I'm Proud to Be an American! Today is the 235 Anniversary of the United States Marine Corps, and I want to extend my hand and gratitude to all that have served our country. Here is a picture of me on a Marine Corps poster with the then Commandant General Krulak. Thats right ya boi is an official posterboy.
Also Happy Veterans Day!
poster boy
Friday, October 29, 2010
High Style Society: Feature Friday : Radio DJ Kenjo Lachapelle
High Style Society: Feature Friday : Radio DJ Kenjo Lachapelle: "The Radio DJ, hip-hop artist, actor and model, Kenjo LaChapelle, passion for the entertainment industry started at a young age. Check it out..."
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Live At the Dunes
After felling Tipsy from a shit load of Sake Bombs at Ah-So, I jumped on stage and rocked the Dunes' crowd this Saturday, Oct 10th 2010 with Pawz One, Johnny Awesome, Qwel and Maker. My song line up consisted of these songs in this order.
Song \Album \Producer
I Like Gurls \Notepad \DJ Marcellusaur
Jagga Bombs \Road 2 Nowhere \Kenjo
You Know \Commercial Lies \Doc Johnsonian
Westcoast Ridin \Commercial Lies \Unborne (Tim Smith)
Set Me Free \Commercial Lies \Unborne (Tim Smith)
***Note: Commercial Lies has not been release yet and is schedule for next month***
Special Thanks: Dunes Sea Crew
Doc Johnsonian,
hip hop,
Johnny Awesome,
Pawz One,
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why The Bottom My Shoes Are Sticky

Yes, Ladies Its sad but true; mens restrooms are disgusting! That's the main reason I take my shoes off at my front door
Monday, October 4, 2010
Can You Help With This Doc?
I woke up this weekend with a bleeding and festering rash all over 75% of my body. I was in excruciating pain just to try to get out of bed, and when I did I left tiny trickles of blood because the bottom of my feet was bleeding. I barely got dressed and rushed to the doctors, and when I got there, the doctor said, "You're in luck because I know exactly what this is and I have the solutions!"
And that's when, DOC JOHNSONIAN wrote up a prescription for some shit more potent than penicillin..... an exclusive, custom "HOUSE CALL INSTRUMENTAL"
I still have the rash, but now I don't give a fuck if it burns when I scratch it cus my ears are soothed by passionate melody of each beat. This dude is phenomenal. His talent brakes all boundaries... Rap, Rock, Techno, House, Trans, you name it.
Make your House Call
And that's when, DOC JOHNSONIAN wrote up a prescription for some shit more potent than penicillin..... an exclusive, custom "HOUSE CALL INSTRUMENTAL"
I still have the rash, but now I don't give a fuck if it burns when I scratch it cus my ears are soothed by passionate melody of each beat. This dude is phenomenal. His talent brakes all boundaries... Rap, Rock, Techno, House, Trans, you name it.
Make your House Call
custom beats,
Doc Johnsonian,
doctor vist,
Exclusive beats,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My View

Dj Ram,
Kenjo Show,
Night club,
Note pad,
Top Of The Kress,
Friday, September 17, 2010
"BIG BIRD" just died... he was found in his NY hotel after a live performance on Broadway. He was buttnaked, and face down laying in his own vomit. It appears to be an over dose or a sexual fixation; however, authorities will know more after they apprehend and interrogate the last person seen with him while he was alive.... Snuffleupagus
big bird,
sesame street,
Online Battle 10/17/2010
This shit was random and out of no where. @Queen_Glitta attack ya boi at like 12:40 am, so I had to go in on him. It started like this….
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL spongebob dirty bubble ray man lukin azz even stevens neck azz
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Ya big elephantitis, Daffy Duck, Patrick bathing, two toed, horse face lookin azz mofo... Whats good?
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL im finna give yo azz curtins wit cho yo soft toe reebok fubu jersey neck azzz ugly azz big tall head azz nigga
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta LOL, Ok, Doing the robot, Chewbacca faced, Darth Hideous wanna be, Flatulence tasting, Halitosis having, backward walking foo
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Run wit a limp, hole diggin, fat back, No bathing, dinosaur armed, wood chewing, Crocodile tooth, ashy legged azz nucca... LOL
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL lmao im finna get yo ol ride around n chill long neck azz tall tee vneck curly head azz
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Ya big Wakka Flakka Flame nut tastin, GucciMan Reject, Sideshow, tiny shoe wear, Artificially inseminated Mofo
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL wit yo ol hand sanitizer on my neck fat toe neck azz fat azz shoe strings in yo shoes ugly az tlc channel tall face azz
@KenjoL wad dwn den
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Jesus Sandal, Turbin wearing, Hotdog smuggling, Testtube crack baby, white lips, Uncle Tom azz Nucca….. WHAT?
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL baconator 2 dolla combo at wendys ugly azzz french toast shirt neck azz where da minute maid juice at mamma gotta go shoppin face az
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Cross eyed, Black Eye Pea, Cross dressing, Flip flop stealin, Two tooth mouth, Tree trunk leg, River run, No shoes, Slave ass Nucca
@Queen_Glitta said:
@CoC_oCameLLi awwww shyt im finna give yo azz curtins itz 30 degrees out side im packin heat weak sissy side ugly azzz
My gurl Camelli Love jumped in.... She gotz my back!!! HAHAHA
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
Ok @Queen_Glitta Ya cunt wearin douche flarin regurgitated cunt bubbling scaby faced backward hat wearin loofa scub, #likeafuckinmonkey
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL awwww shyt big fake mj cologne smellin ear azz single sexy fridayz uglyz people im #teamfollowback ugly azz ipaint my shoes wrist az
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta No toothbrush, Vitamin C deficient, Skervy having, DUI, Stanky leg dancin, Roto Rooter neck lookin, Pond skimming, Transient
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
@Queen_Glitta: @CoC_oCameLLi awww shyt #whymypolo got a boss shirt on wit a star hoodie ugly az make sum kool-aid naw we got dz generic kind face azz
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Jersey Shore, snooki banging, Hairy chest, Geedo look, Pop lockin, Girl Socking, Mullet wearing Douchebag
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
@Queen_Glitta "Shawty i'ma only tell u dis 1nc u aint killiiiiim it --ba bawd da dwap aowww"(betta get)Ur GLOvez ur GLOves*nickiminajvoice*
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Free basing, Paint huffin, Snuffalufagus, Big Bird pounding, E.T. lookin ass, degentorate #teamfollowback
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
@Queen_Glitta You got heat? you said you was packin! then why you need #teamfollowback on ya monkey ass? Byitchez.... SHIT, GET IT CRACKIN!
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta @CoC_oCameLLi Yo... I have to dip... Be back later.
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL ight cool totally brody lmao gud #roastin
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Yeap.. Hella fun Thanks for the laughs
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Getting Deep
I haven't been a saint but my life's been exquisite.
Beggin when I drop thru Heaven, I stay; not just visitI hope God enjoys a laugh; my lifes been comedy
Trying to avoid asodomy in my attempts of Alchemy
cuz sometimes I find myself spitting a lil blasphemy
when my paranoia kicks in; is someone is after me!!!
thats when I freak out and release my concealed deviance
spiraling down hill, ruining all my previous achievements.
Name slander in my town and my face on da media
No one wants to be around, devil starting to feed da
Seed that has been planted since the day of my birth
No lie, I'm tired of carrying around the burden of its girth
ya'll Ostracizing, but I guarantee I'm not alone
He who hasn't sin, throw the first stone...
Freestyle verse
Room spinning and my heart starts to spill;
As long as I'm breathing I'll always have will!
Struggle is my foundation of my pain
Up rise is the foundation of my campaign
To succeed, so I proceed
to beat this beat until this song bleeds
and if it dont bust, I'm a break it even if it kills me
I'm hopin all ya'll out there followin are feeling me
But it doesn't matter, cuz I'm constantly reminded
that I can't satisfy everyone, if they stay blinded
I gotta do me cuz I can't fix their blurred vision
shear cuts only with my interpretation of precision.
If you don't find it hot... I promise I still wont stop
cuz I'm worse than a clumsy kid; I will drop!!!
This right here is the start of a grand hustle
and I wont stop until I complete all the piece of the puzzle.
Free Style,
hip hop,
Kenjo Show,
Monday, September 6, 2010
Online Battle 9/5/2010
***It starts slow but gets serious real quick... HAHAHA Just keep reading***
@CHeredia @MarkusAFisher four lokos #four life fuck @KenjoL sorry ass @balrog busted ass Tyson
@KenjoL @cheredia LOL #four like #four teeth in @MarkusAfisher 's mouth.
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL fool you don't even know yeee!!
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher Rat with a cat, don't skip the bat.... A B C is just like dat!
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL fool you don't even know about them skills!
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher LOL... HAHAHA Whatsup BUSTER RHYMES
@KenjoL @cheredia @MarkusAFisher You ever developing a flow... I've lost up hope. Your like a horrible snipper at the 500 meter wit no scope. SUCK!
@CHeredia @KenjoL @MarkusAFisher wishes you were a little bit taller wishes you were a baller wishes u had a rabbit in a hat wit a bat & 64 impala
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL eating makes you fat like an old cat man its a drat your raps sound young like da brat yeeeeeeee
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL yee yee! You don't even kenjo I got the coors in my hand you worse than makin da band you sell out like a lemonade stand!
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher Man, I got this ish on lock like a figure 4; You nursing a coors like a patient in a ER corridor; so dont blame it on the alcohol that ya rhymes are wack; You can't no longer get by with dat, Times have chances... Even the Presidents Black... Man, come at me better than ish next time... Cuz I'm full of bars... I spit them line 4 line... KENJO
@CHeredia @KenjoL without a scope? Homie get on your knees and begin to pray like I'm the pope you've got no hope ur broke ass rhymes are just a joke
@KenjoL @cheredia Carlos you like a fucking powder doughtnut in a fuck t-shirt. Today you rocking girl jeans, Next you'll be at work rocking a skirt. Your soft like pussy but smell like an ass, and homos aren’t aloud in church so if you go you'd mos def be kick'd out of mass...
@CHeredia @KenjoL get a job homie you a vacuum cleaner sucking on my knob...nothing better never rest @cheredia is the best
@CHeredia @KenjoL #gameover #lightsout
@KenjoL @cheredia All I hear is "Carlos" is the "best" at "sucking" "knobs" like a vacuum; No wonder why you smell like @MarkusAFisher ass fumes. #gameover #lightsout; What, ya boy friend #cameover and you don't want to take the #Cockout?
@KenjoL @cheredia @MarkusAFisher Bitch I'm a beast wit these rhymes; like ya pussy got yeast between da panties lines
@CHeredia @KenjoL don't make me retweet... keep living on your knees...I'll punk you with your own beats...
@KenjoL @cheredia go ahead if ya want and Retweet; Me mention cock in ya mouth is always sweet, Cant get enough I can rewrite, it I know ya excited. You punking me on my own beat... Is like a "Shake Weight" wit no rhythm... Offbeat
@CHeredia @KenjoL got that yeast between his knees...begging @MarkusAFisher to let him off with a please...begging for that protein like a skeeze
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL yeyeyeyeye Kenjo go back to sunrise cause you so low you ain't never seen the sun rise! I'm drunk hahahaha
@KenjoL @cheredia The Panda Express mascot reject coming at me sideways. These dudes delivery sux, it took 9 days; to spit out his gay pride phraze. and for each color of the rainbow I'm a hit in 5 different ways
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher Back to ya AA meeting cuz you on a relapse.... and the closes ya get to m&m is sitting on a full bag and making ya ass clap
@CHeredia @KenjoL o your a hit! With the fucken gays...ima blaze and put your name to shame...I'm the jimi hendrix your a purple haze
@CHeredia @KenjoL #gameover #goodnight #gopractice
@KenjoL @cheredia OK you hunchback Mr. Potato head in girls jeans. you claim you wear size 7 but they busten out the seems. & puttin U & Hendrix... in the same sentence, is like putting together honesty and Department of Defense... It don't happen its common sense... Now go jump a fence.
@CHeredia @KenjoL Your raps are like 6 you danity kane...
@KenjoL @cheredia My rhymes are lame... coming from the dude in a dress. What ever, all I have to do is put a beret in my hair 4 you to be impressed
@KenjoL @javierrodriguez HAHAHA... yeah missed @Cheredia dance around a fire in a skirt like a fairy
Sunday, August 29, 2010
TP's musical aspirations through style and sound
Since he was 12 years old, Tyrone Perry, aka TP The Problem has had a strong interest in music. Whether he's writing a hip-hop track, recording an R&B song or performing a club banger, TP considers himself a dedicated artist. "My music is real music," he said. "[It's] something you can listen and relate to. It's strictly me."
Who knew playing a video game would lead to something better for TP? According to him, this was the start of his musical desire. He and close friend Dajuan Mack began recording beats on a Playstation 2 video game. "We downloaded instrumentals and began rapping to the beats while we recorded ourselves with a tape recorder." Though this was the beginning, he faced challenges that helped him find ways to overcome hardships.
January 2009, his cousin passed away. "Music became an extreme importance after my cousin pasted away," he said. "Before he passed, he told me that I could do anything I set my mind to. He always believed in me and pushed me to do any and everything I wanted to." Though challenging, TP moved on and went back to music. That was when he recorded his track "Freak You." The song fueled his desire to keep pushing his musical boundaries.
Summer 2009 he met with Money in the Bag Entertainment C.E.O., D$. "We put out our first singles [together] called ‘Turnt Up' and ‘Hang Over,'" he said.
Besides remaining busy with Money in the Bag Ent., he's also involved with his own upcoming mixtape "Hitman." TP said he's excited for this and his Money in the Bag Ent., mixtape "Break Bread or Play Dead" to be released because they represent his music style.
As much as he loves making his own music, he listens to other artists to gain inspiration. Artists like Nas, Too Short, Eminem and Tupac left him determined to create his own music – thoughts and meanings he was feeling. He said these rappers are what he considers "stand out" rappers. TP said he falls under his own category of style and sound as well. "In my music you won't get anything different than ‘TP,'" he said.
Though young in the music business, his peers recognized his determination. TP appeared on the recent BrandKnew Radio mixtape by DJ Kenjo LaChapelle, titled "On Air." "How I became part of the mixtape was that I'd previously spoken to Kenjo about a collaboration," he said. "He hit me with the idea of the mixtape and we made it happen." Besides helping with LaChapelle's group mixtape, TP said he enjoys BrandKnew Radio's family of artists. According to him, the online radio station has helped TP out immensely. "It's a real radio station, and by ‘real' I mean an uncut, in-your-face radio station. Over all, I think BrandKnew radio is one of the best radio station's out there."
For TP, music is a continuous process. He considers it a craft and said he only wants to grow throughout his years. "I'm serious about what I do," he said. "I want this and I want the people to enjoy it."
(ArticlesBase SC #3149500)
Christina Chaffin - About the Author:
As a freelance writer based in Dayton, Ohio, I have published over 20 articles for a small newspaper in the Midwest. I have spent time covering multiple topics including the economy and entertainment. However, my passion revolves around writing artist profiles, album reviews and anything else music-related. To get in touch, e-mail
Friday, August 27, 2010
Its Ugly
4th of July in August... Who in the hella is launching fireworks? Last night the skies outside my window was ridiculous. Thunder filled the sky like a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately tonight's weather is already starting out worst than last night. Earlier today there was a heat advisory and the left over humidity from last night's storm was horrible. I guess the storm never left, it just slept for a little while, while it recovered its strength to "F" some more ish up... DAMN, it looks like the KENJO SHOW might not happen tonight. :(
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Online Battle 8/26/10
Sharing some of my dumb ass antics! HAHAHA
me: You're rhymes are lame
Sent at 11:35 AM on Thursday
Mark: My rhymes are incredible, droid/You ain't buff Kenjo that's a steroid!
Sent at 11:38 AM on Thursday
me: Let me check my formula... This is like Calculus. I'm commander kirk and you're just a NONAME LAME that dies on the planet Romulus. I get the chicks and while you just get the shitty end of the stick. But I wont let you suffer, I'll put you out of your misery quick... HAHAHA
Mark: haha check it!
Sent at 11:45 AM on Thursday
Mark: They call you a computer guy a mach tech/But yous a loser guy should be a whack tech!/You couldnt be firing shots even if you had a mech ten!/Formula? Do the math son/I'm in first place while you the last one/Your brain is adolescent thats why they got you workin with infant/Your rhymes are weak I beat em quick in an instant!
Sent at 11:49 AM on Thursday
me: OUGHT OH!!!
If this was streetfighter I'd be M. Bison, while you'll be Balrog, Yeah the busted ass Tyson.
But the only biting you'll be doing is on my D!ck. Don't call me Dalson when it extends cuz I'm more like Guile's Scissor Kick. You want to talk about me being a Mac tech and having a full plate... Bitch you at the help desk.... The phones ringing? Oh Yeah I can wait. We back on, You ready for this ass whippin! Cuz I'm over here laugh while you handle my lightwieght.... YOU KNOW YOU TRIPPIN! HAHAHAHA
Man you couldn't walk in my shoes anyday... It dont even matter how they laced up. Tech, Rapper, actor, Wrestler, Football, tattooing? Man, you'd be fucked laying face up. The only instant shit you know is on the back of a oat meal box, and never forget I'll smash you everytime like you BIGGIE and I'm PAC
But the only biting you'll be doing is on my D!ck. Don't call me Dalson when it extends cuz I'm more like Guile's Scissor Kick. You want to talk about me being a Mac tech and having a full plate... Bitch you at the help desk.... The phones ringing? Oh Yeah I can wait. We back on, You ready for this ass whippin! Cuz I'm over here laugh while you handle my lightwieght.... YOU KNOW YOU TRIPPIN! HAHAHAHA
Man you couldn't walk in my shoes anyday... It dont even matter how they laced up. Tech, Rapper, actor, Wrestler, Football, tattooing? Man, you'd be fucked laying face up. The only instant shit you know is on the back of a oat meal box, and never forget I'll smash you everytime like you BIGGIE and I'm PAC
Sent at 11:56 AM on Thursday
me: Dude don't fux with me... I'm a writer... thats how I get down foul
Even though I just ate you alive... We still cool
Even though I just ate you alive... We still cool
Mark: Faaaaauu I'm the definition of battle rapper! hahaha
Sent at 11:58 AM on Thursday
me: HAHAHA.... Well you need to work on your craft then cuz you just got handled.
HOWEVER, I would of never come off the top like that.
Mark: My craft is global son, world of warcraft!
me: If i have a keyboard and time to write.. i"m fierce
Mark: ye ye ye ye ye!
me: You might be World of Warcraft, but you like a gnome... Just running around chopping trees to build other peoples homes... HAHAHA
Mark: Fool! I build homes and you ain't got one! Like the sun.. I'm hot son! YEEEEEEE
man I need to go on break im hungry as tits
me: The closes you've ever got to a pair of tits, was you're mom breast feed you while she was eating a filet Hallibut
Free Style,
street fighter,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Aaliyah R.I.P
Unfortunately, today is the 9th anniversary of a beautiful and talented women, Aaliyah, and I'm just as crush today as I was the day I heard of her tragedy; however, I'm pleased to be able to shared my morning with all my listeners, and celebration of her legacy.
Tonight, I'm dedicating my show to Aaliyah. R.I.P
Friday, July 9, 2010
Live at the Dunes
Yo whatsup Fam? Thanks for drop thru!
Last night after my BangerMGT on, I got a call from a promoter asking me for a lil support and help promoting his live hip hop night which started a convo of its own, and out it all.... basically, it came down to why don't I perform, SO I DID. Soon as I wrapped up my show, I rushed down to the vent and performed spurt of the moment. I've attached a fide at the top... Drop thru and check it out.
It felt good to be on stage again. Stay posted there will be more.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Never Let Me Down (KenjoMix) Lyrics
Writen 7/2/10
I'm sharing this with ya'll from my new Mixtape I'm working on call "ON AIR" because Ya'll have to see real lyrics and how a solid artist gets down. Don't forget to drop thru my Radio show BangerMGT on Download the podcast
Lyrics are posted below
Every Day is a blessing and I’m counting my blessing
Cus I’m doing so well, and everything is blowing up for me.
and ya’ll want me to be real, I’ll just have to be
Who I am… You know what I’m saying!
the person I see in the mirror
When it comes to being true, at least true to me
One thing I found,one thing I found
Oh no you'll neva let me down,
Get up I get(down)
Get up I get(down)
Get up I get(down)
Get up I get(down)
Get up I get(down)
Get up I get(down)
“You want me to be real!? Well I’ll be real… YEAH”
I step up and out on stage, and put in my heart and soul;
what I do for ya’ll, its call the fucking Kenjo show.
I’m up in this booth, spinning trax losing sleep,
becoming a insomniac, My passion for my show runs deep
The consequences of my passion is worth every sacrifices
If I die tomorrow, DAMN, I can say that I’ve lived my Life
to the fullest and I, pursued everyone of my dreams
SHIT, Not everything, is exactly what it seems.
Open up ya eyes and see, every blessing you receive
just because you didn’t succeed, doesn’t mean you didn’t achieve.
Think about it, the breath you take, someday can always be taken away
It’s a blessing just to see, the morning of another day.
I try not to complain no more, and cherish every opportunity
and help next man, DAMN, this shit is new to me
aint gonna lie, we better if we al stand in unity
It aint about the KENJO SHOW, its about the hip hop Communtiy
(Verse 2)
Getting all these listena Yo , wanna ta drop thru my show
Growing stronger in number, Man, We never gonna Plateau
Feeling all the weight on my shoulders, DAMN I can’t let them down
Hold them up so fucking high, They never have to touch da ground
Feeling all this pressure, yo to keep my show original
Heating up some hot fire, burning in some Kitchen oil
Hunting the Hottest trax that the industry never heard
Never catch this trax on MTV, Yeah that’s my word.
One thing I’ve found,
One thing I’ve found
I’ll Never let you down…
I’ll never let you down baby
It’s sad when a nigga like me can a track hotter than
the hottest rappers in the game, at least that’s what they sayin
Tighten up my flow and then, Change the content of my lyrix
Keep the Hook, and throw out the rest another fly KenjoMix
One thing I’ve found,
One thing I’ve found
I’ll Never let you down…
I’ll never let you down baby
(Verse 3)
It’s the fun times, that we share together
You know I’m coming thru, no matter whats the weather
they way we share this bond, We not jus on
On the Radio with ya boi Kenjo
We this thing every weekday fo sho
So come thru and tell ya love ones to listen some mo
6 to 9
Pacific time
Yeah…… You know what I mean! Like,
I just want to say thank you for coming thru and listening to my show…
Cuz I wouldn’t be shit! with out ya’ll, Ya know!!!
I mean I really appreciate this shit… But! Don’t get me wrong
I’m living high… But to get here the road was long .
You know what I mean!? I, I, I don’t just do this shit for me
I do this for all ya’ll. Man, Ya’ll send me tracks…
And I’ll spin them, so every body can feel them,
You know what I’m saying? Its not just about KENJO
(While hook is playing)
You man! Know what I’m saying? I’m enjoying this!
Everyday man… I enjoy this
Ay yo! HA.. HA… HA
Where is Autotuner when you need it, man?
When my producer said that,
he wanted to throw some Autotuner on this
Man, I was like HELL NAH!
I aint going out like that, man, you know what I’m saying?
I’ma right this shit out the way it is
And I’m a hit it like this… Sing it baby… Sing It! Ha
Who needs fucking Autotuner when you got KENJO
I’ll Never let you down!
Get ya ass up!
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