Am I The Only One?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My View

Friday, September 17, 2010
"BIG BIRD" just died... he was found in his NY hotel after a live performance on Broadway. He was buttnaked, and face down laying in his own vomit. It appears to be an over dose or a sexual fixation; however, authorities will know more after they apprehend and interrogate the last person seen with him while he was alive.... Snuffleupagus
Online Battle 10/17/2010
This shit was random and out of no where. @Queen_Glitta attack ya boi at like 12:40 am, so I had to go in on him. It started like this….
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL spongebob dirty bubble ray man lukin azz even stevens neck azz
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Ya big elephantitis, Daffy Duck, Patrick bathing, two toed, horse face lookin azz mofo... Whats good?
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL im finna give yo azz curtins wit cho yo soft toe reebok fubu jersey neck azzz ugly azz big tall head azz nigga
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta LOL, Ok, Doing the robot, Chewbacca faced, Darth Hideous wanna be, Flatulence tasting, Halitosis having, backward walking foo
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Run wit a limp, hole diggin, fat back, No bathing, dinosaur armed, wood chewing, Crocodile tooth, ashy legged azz nucca... LOL
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL lmao im finna get yo ol ride around n chill long neck azz tall tee vneck curly head azz
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Ya big Wakka Flakka Flame nut tastin, GucciMan Reject, Sideshow, tiny shoe wear, Artificially inseminated Mofo
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL wit yo ol hand sanitizer on my neck fat toe neck azz fat azz shoe strings in yo shoes ugly az tlc channel tall face azz
@KenjoL wad dwn den
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Jesus Sandal, Turbin wearing, Hotdog smuggling, Testtube crack baby, white lips, Uncle Tom azz Nucca….. WHAT?
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL baconator 2 dolla combo at wendys ugly azzz french toast shirt neck azz where da minute maid juice at mamma gotta go shoppin face az
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Cross eyed, Black Eye Pea, Cross dressing, Flip flop stealin, Two tooth mouth, Tree trunk leg, River run, No shoes, Slave ass Nucca
@Queen_Glitta said:
@CoC_oCameLLi awwww shyt im finna give yo azz curtins itz 30 degrees out side im packin heat weak sissy side ugly azzz
My gurl Camelli Love jumped in.... She gotz my back!!! HAHAHA
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
Ok @Queen_Glitta Ya cunt wearin douche flarin regurgitated cunt bubbling scaby faced backward hat wearin loofa scub, #likeafuckinmonkey
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL awwww shyt big fake mj cologne smellin ear azz single sexy fridayz uglyz people im #teamfollowback ugly azz ipaint my shoes wrist az
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta No toothbrush, Vitamin C deficient, Skervy having, DUI, Stanky leg dancin, Roto Rooter neck lookin, Pond skimming, Transient
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
@Queen_Glitta: @CoC_oCameLLi awww shyt #whymypolo got a boss shirt on wit a star hoodie ugly az make sum kool-aid naw we got dz generic kind face azz
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Jersey Shore, snooki banging, Hairy chest, Geedo look, Pop lockin, Girl Socking, Mullet wearing Douchebag
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
@Queen_Glitta "Shawty i'ma only tell u dis 1nc u aint killiiiiim it --ba bawd da dwap aowww"(betta get)Ur GLOvez ur GLOves*nickiminajvoice*
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Free basing, Paint huffin, Snuffalufagus, Big Bird pounding, E.T. lookin ass, degentorate #teamfollowback
@CoC_oCameLLi said:
@Queen_Glitta You got heat? you said you was packin! then why you need #teamfollowback on ya monkey ass? Byitchez.... SHIT, GET IT CRACKIN!
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta @CoC_oCameLLi Yo... I have to dip... Be back later.
@Queen_Glitta said:
@KenjoL ight cool totally brody lmao gud #roastin
@KenjoL said:
@Queen_Glitta Yeap.. Hella fun Thanks for the laughs
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Getting Deep
Freestyle verse
Monday, September 6, 2010
Online Battle 9/5/2010
***It starts slow but gets serious real quick... HAHAHA Just keep reading***
@CHeredia @MarkusAFisher four lokos #four life fuck @KenjoL sorry ass @balrog busted ass Tyson
@KenjoL @cheredia LOL #four like #four teeth in @MarkusAfisher 's mouth.
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL fool you don't even know yeee!!
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher Rat with a cat, don't skip the bat.... A B C is just like dat!
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL fool you don't even know about them skills!
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher LOL... HAHAHA Whatsup BUSTER RHYMES
@KenjoL @cheredia @MarkusAFisher You ever developing a flow... I've lost up hope. Your like a horrible snipper at the 500 meter wit no scope. SUCK!
@CHeredia @KenjoL @MarkusAFisher wishes you were a little bit taller wishes you were a baller wishes u had a rabbit in a hat wit a bat & 64 impala
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL eating makes you fat like an old cat man its a drat your raps sound young like da brat yeeeeeeee
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL yee yee! You don't even kenjo I got the coors in my hand you worse than makin da band you sell out like a lemonade stand!
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher Man, I got this ish on lock like a figure 4; You nursing a coors like a patient in a ER corridor; so dont blame it on the alcohol that ya rhymes are wack; You can't no longer get by with dat, Times have chances... Even the Presidents Black... Man, come at me better than ish next time... Cuz I'm full of bars... I spit them line 4 line... KENJO
@CHeredia @KenjoL without a scope? Homie get on your knees and begin to pray like I'm the pope you've got no hope ur broke ass rhymes are just a joke
@KenjoL @cheredia Carlos you like a fucking powder doughtnut in a fuck t-shirt. Today you rocking girl jeans, Next you'll be at work rocking a skirt. Your soft like pussy but smell like an ass, and homos aren’t aloud in church so if you go you'd mos def be kick'd out of mass...
@CHeredia @KenjoL get a job homie you a vacuum cleaner sucking on my knob...nothing better never rest @cheredia is the best
@CHeredia @KenjoL #gameover #lightsout
@KenjoL @cheredia All I hear is "Carlos" is the "best" at "sucking" "knobs" like a vacuum; No wonder why you smell like @MarkusAFisher ass fumes. #gameover #lightsout; What, ya boy friend #cameover and you don't want to take the #Cockout?
@KenjoL @cheredia @MarkusAFisher Bitch I'm a beast wit these rhymes; like ya pussy got yeast between da panties lines
@CHeredia @KenjoL don't make me retweet... keep living on your knees...I'll punk you with your own beats...
@KenjoL @cheredia go ahead if ya want and Retweet; Me mention cock in ya mouth is always sweet, Cant get enough I can rewrite, it I know ya excited. You punking me on my own beat... Is like a "Shake Weight" wit no rhythm... Offbeat
@CHeredia @KenjoL got that yeast between his knees...begging @MarkusAFisher to let him off with a please...begging for that protein like a skeeze
@MarkusAFisher @KenjoL yeyeyeyeye Kenjo go back to sunrise cause you so low you ain't never seen the sun rise! I'm drunk hahahaha
@KenjoL @cheredia The Panda Express mascot reject coming at me sideways. These dudes delivery sux, it took 9 days; to spit out his gay pride phraze. and for each color of the rainbow I'm a hit in 5 different ways
@KenjoL @MarkusAFisher Back to ya AA meeting cuz you on a relapse.... and the closes ya get to m&m is sitting on a full bag and making ya ass clap
@CHeredia @KenjoL o your a hit! With the fucken gays...ima blaze and put your name to shame...I'm the jimi hendrix your a purple haze
@CHeredia @KenjoL #gameover #goodnight #gopractice
@KenjoL @cheredia OK you hunchback Mr. Potato head in girls jeans. you claim you wear size 7 but they busten out the seems. & puttin U & Hendrix... in the same sentence, is like putting together honesty and Department of Defense... It don't happen its common sense... Now go jump a fence.
@CHeredia @KenjoL Your raps are lame....you like 6 bitches...call you danity kane...
@KenjoL @cheredia My rhymes are lame... coming from the dude in a dress. What ever, all I have to do is put a beret in my hair 4 you to be impressed
@KenjoL @javierrodriguez HAHAHA... yeah missed @Cheredia dance around a fire in a skirt like a fairy